Your Role In The Union

The decision you have to make, as an individual represented by a union, is really no different from your obligations as a member of society. You can choose not to keep informed about union issues and not to participate in the daily life of the union. Then, just as with what happens in the larger society, you can gripe about who's running the union and the decisions they make. But there is an alternative, of course: since your union is nothing more than a collection of individual members, you can choose to become involved, and in doing so shape what your union is and what it does.

So, if you want to "own" your union and to share in the members' responsibility of running it, what can you do?

  • Educate Yourself
  • Be a Set of "Eyes and Ears"
  • Show Solidarity
  • Be a Union Emissary
  • Get Involved

The union is you and your co-workers; you have it within your power to make your union an ever-more-effective fighter for workplace rights and justice.

Union Power

Local Lodge 830
5330A S. 3rd Street
Suite 256
Louisville, KY 40214
Phone or Fax: (502) 368-2593
Please remember that communications about official Union business should be made in writing through the normal chain of command, such as through a steward, local lodge official, or Business Representative, as appropriate. This website is not a substitute for official communications.

President:Chris Howe
Vice President:Chris Abernathy
Recording Secretary:Frank Rowell
Secretary Treasurer:JD Fouts
Conductor Sentinel:Bruce Mills
Trustee:Tim Maddox
Trustee:Joe Lee
Trustee:Sean Denny
Delegates:Bruce Mills, Sean Denny, JD Fouts